TEST has been approved by the Department for Education to open another school – Emmanuel Community School, Beam Park in the London Borough of Havering. This new school is scheduled to open in September 2024 and will provide the following:
- A two-form entry primary school (2FE) providing 420 places
- A 30-place nursery
- Specialist resource provision unit for up to 12 children with Communication and Interaction Needs
- A welcoming and nurturing environment for pupils and their families; with open and well lit spaces in a state of the art brand new building. The external landscaping will be integral to the learning environment with ease of supervision throughout.
- The school will make a range of facilities available for wider community use and provide a focus for community activities
- Easily accessible within walking distance of the new housing development and by public transport
Click here to visit the ECS Beam Park website.
The Section 10 Consultation is available to download here. We welcome responses to the consultation; please can the QR code within the consultation document.
To express your interest in the school, please complete the ‘expression of interest’ form.